viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

The Photo

Session 3

This photo was taken at the University for a couple of days ago, This is a new dog that came to the University, which was abandoned...not yet as it is called or what my colleagues have appointed. I know only him is a victim of the lack of human beings.
although this is still very meager even showing the nobility of his race, I love the way it is playing and is very affectionate with all.

My new cell phone

Session 2
Is very nice!!

The cell phone =)

Session 2

(Write about your favourite piece of technology.Say:What it is.When you got it.How you use it.How often you use it.Why you like it.What life would be like with out it.(150 words minimum)Include a picture.Comment on at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs. )

Mi favourite piece of technology is the cell phone, Throughout my life I've had about five mobile phones,all with different characteristics and each one better than the other, have improved to become smaller and more useful.
My last cell phone I got it about one month and has many functions, not just the function call and receive calls, also has games, can play music, listen to radio through him and others.
How often you use it? Using a cell phone is very easy because we are familiar with this type of technology.
How often I use it. This technology has become almost indispensable, I use it every day, I can not leave home without my cell phone is a means by which I communicate constantly.
I like that it is so versatile, having many different uses in a single device. My life without the cell phone almost incommunicado not know where I am or how to locate where an emergency or tell me where if have any party =).

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

inicio de blog

Este blog esta creado exclusivamente por causa de una tarea de ingles XD